New York Comic Con

Hey everyone! A couple of weeks ago, Ron and I went to New York Comic Con and it was a crazy good time! Thanks to everyone who came and saw me that weekend, and thanks for all of the Dragon Ball Super love. It was great seeing my friends, but…

Delta H Con

This past weekend I visited my old stomping grounds in Houston for Delta H Con! Although it was a smaller con, I got to see new and old faces and had a great time. I even debuted my new character cards, which are now available on my store. Since I'm…

Supercon Retro

My most recent con was Supercon Retro in Miami! It was a busy weekend filled with writing a script, hosting a pajama party, fun panels, and autographs.I had a rad time and it was great to see you, Miami! The con staff drew Stocking for me! Purple hair, don't care…


Time to play catch up you guys. I really enjoy seeing all the fans at conventions and want to keep sharing some of my con experiences with you. So, Ron and I spent February 17-19 in the DC area at Katsucon and it was amazing! Despite the cold, we enjoyed…

Ohayocon 2017

A few photos from my time at Ohayocon! Remember, if you want me to go to a convention near you, I have to be invited. So make sure you contact the con and make a request. I hope to see you soon! P.S. My next stop will be in San…

Anime Blues Con 2016

Memphis was a blast! Everyone there was so sweet and polite! I could get used to being called "Miss Monica" everywhere I go. ;) I had a great time hanging out with the attendees and reuniting with my dear friend Chris Patton. Jamie, Ron, and I made the trip to…